Planetway Corporation (Headquarters: San Jose, California, USA; Representative: Noriaki Hirao; Planetway) has invited Jüri Ratas, Prime Minister of the digitally advanced nation of Estonia, to the first private business event "PlanetForum" on February 11 (National Foundation Day).

Via PlanetForum, we seek to promote digital transformation (DX) and collaborative alliances between Estonian companies, which are advanced in electronic administration, and Japanese companies. This time, more than 20 companies from Estonia will participate, as well as Prime Minister Jüri Ratas.

Program Content:

  • Presentation of Planetway President CEO Noriaki Hirao participating in the DAVOS 2020 conference
  • Remarks from Prime Minister of Estonia, Jüri Ratas
  • Alliance signing ceremony
  • Explanation of the business ecosystem community including alliances
  • Explanation of PlanetCross free trial service
  • Case study (Nihon Gas)
  • Panel discussion
  • Photography
  • Business card exchange (drinks served)

The speakers (tentative) are as follows.

  • Jüri Ratas, Estonian Prime Minister
  • Yosuke Tsuruho, Member of of the House of Councillors
  • Nortal : Peeter Smitt, Business Area Director, Government & Healthcare
  • Aktors OÜ : Aleksander Reitsakas, Member of the Board
  • Nippon Gas : Yuuki Matsuda, Officer
  • Housall : Hiroyuki Kurosawa, President and CEO

*** Signup has been over. ***

Planetway plans to hold such events regularly and develop online communities in the future.

About Planetway

Planetway Corporation a start-up headquartered in California, has developed its own core platform technology "PlanetCross," an advanced version of the powerful Estonian e-government administration platform “X-Road”, and “PlanetID,” a digital universal ID with functions including ID assignment(identity-verified), authentication, and electronic signature. Our company is certified as an X-ROAD TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS-SILVER. Based on the fundamental idea that the rights to personal information belong to individuals rather than companies or organizations, Planetway has created a mission to change society "For a Human-centric and Secure Planet" with the aim to promote the idea of information disclosure or utilization by an “individual’s consent or denial thereof”.

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※Company names and product names in this text are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies

About the founder

Born in 1983, Noriaki Hirao is a three-time entrepreneur (with one liquidation), founding companies in entertainment, semiconductor and IoT fields. As a student, he studied space engineering, organic chemistry and marketing in the United States, then founding a content production startup for Hollywood films and video games. In 2008, after graduating from California State University he returned to Japan joining SoftBank Mobile and received several in-house awards, including first prize for sales competing against 800 national mobile salespersons. In 2011, he co-founded a technology licensing company (TLO), which signed a joint development research agreement with Tohoku University. He attempted to expand business in next-generation semiconductor, centering on 500 patent strategies, but unfortunately the company had to be liquidated. In 2014, he was appointed as the domestic Business Development Manager for Sircom, a Taiwanese IoT equipment ODM vendor, and General Manager of their New Business Innovation Office for WirelessGate, specifically responsible for new business development in the IoT field. From July 2015, Noriaki founded Planetway, a global startup (USA, Japan, Estonia) acuminating his various experiences. In 2017, the company introduced technology for securely communicating patient information between Tokio Marine & Nichido Insurance and Iizuka Hospital and was awarded the “World's No. 1” rating award for the solution. In 2019, Planetway achieved its first commercialization of a product (PlanetCross), now servicing more than 1.3 million service account users. After 2020, the company aims to expand its infrastructure in Japan and globally. Noriaki has a unique vision for the realization of the age of data sovereignty and the evolution of capitalism.

PR Contact

Planetway Corporation
Public Relations Team
TEL: +81-3-6897-9419